Product Description
1. Diesel Engine
The genset is equipped with heavy-duty industrial diesel engine, which provides sufficient power for thegenerator, while guaranteeing the safe and reliable performance of genset thanks to its multiple fuel controlsystems. The eleetronie fuel injeetion system with synchronization operation function enables accurate activeload sharing for mains parallel operation.
2. Cooling System of Engine
Considering that a lot of heat is generated during running, a cooling system is provided to guarantee the safeand stable running of the diesel engine. The standard engine is equipped with radiator, The fan is driven bythe engine to cool down the radiator and the cooling water is recyeled through the thermostat.
The following three cooling systems are available; please refer to Chapter Ill for details:
Engine mounted (standard)radiator
Remote mounted radiator
Engine mounted heat exchanger
3. Air Intake & Exhaust System of Engine
During operation of the genset, the engine shall be supplied with sufficient fresh air. Several ways of intakeare available for the diesel engine, including: turbocharged, turbocharged & intercooled, twin turbocharged& intercooled, and charge air cooling. The air intake system consists of air filter, intake resistance indicator.turbocharger, intercooler (charge air cooling) and cylinder head intake duct.
Fresh air is filtered by the air filter, boosted by the turbocharger, then cooled via the intercooler and finallyfed into the cylinder.
The turbocharger (supplied as standard for some model) can inerease both intake pressure and air flow tooptimize air-fuel ratio, improve combustion conditions and increase engine power, helping the enginemaintain high efficiency when operating at high altitude (altitude compensation).
4. Fuel system of engine
The fuel system is to injeet high-quality atomized diesel at a certain rate, which shall be fixed in terms offeeding time, quantity and pressure, into the eylinder aceording to the operating demands of the diesel engine,so as to realize quick and uniform mixing with air and good combustion. Therefore, the fuel system plays avital role in the good performance of diesel engine.The fuel quality is also very important, The diesel engine must be provided with sufficient and quality diesel.The diesel must be clean, at a temperature no less than 6s'ºC, with enough calorifie value, and free of paraffinwax, water or other corrosive liquid, or too much air, Before being drawn into the daily fuel tank, the dieselmust be pretreated with 48 hours of sedimentation, The diesel stored in the standby fuel tank shall berefreshed within 18 hours, or an adequate amount of anti-corrosion agent shall be added, but it is stronglyrecommended not to use anti-corrosion agent since it will reduce fuel efficiency and starting performance ofthe genset.
5. Lubrication system of engine
The lubrication system is to deliver a fixed amount of clean, high-quality lubricating oil of proper viscosity tovarious essential par'ts, exerting a very significant influence on the reliable and lasting performance of thediesel engine.
Main funetions:
Reducing wear of parts and friction resistance;
Cooling and cleaning lubricated surface;
Rust protection for the positions with oil film;
Buffering and absorbing vibration:
Providing hydraulic medium.
6. Electrical Control System of Engine
The diesel engine is equipped with starting battery and starter motor, The capacity and voltage of thestarting battery shall match with the starter motor voltage.The engine is equipped with oil pressure sensor, cooling water temperature sensor and speed sensor toprovide information about the engine working status for the genset control system.
7. AC Generator
The genset relies on an lP23 (standard) or lP44 (option) or IP55 (option) brushless generator to deliver outputpower.
8. Definition of Generator Power
- Continuous power S1 at 40ºC - according to IEC60034-1 Definition
> The generator operates with a constant load at a certain insulation level, of which, 1 hour ofoverload is allowed per 12 hours.
- Standby power at 40'ºC
> When operating with a constant load without overload, the generator can operate 500 hours atmost per year, of which, the temperature rise over class H is allowed.
- Standby power at 27'ºC
> It operates under the same conditions as standby power at 40'ºC, but at the ambienttemperature as low as 27ºC, of which, the output power and temperature rise can be increased aceordingly.
Note: when operating at the altitude above 1000M, power correction must be made, details in user manual.
9. Excitation System
Several excitation modes are available for the generator of the genset.
Self & shunt excitation system: w/o short-circuit current withstanding capability.
AREP auxiliary winding/PMG permanent magnet excitation:with short-circuit currentwithstanding capability, 10s, 300%% rating current.
10. Automatic Voltage Regulator
The generator is equipped with automatic voltage regulator (AVR) which enables sound voltage regulationvia the transistor. The AVR model varies according to the generator excitation system. The AVR has aninterface for external potentiometer to facilitate voltage regulation.
11. Base Frame And Fuel Tank of Genset
The genset is fixed onto a rugged steel base frame. For the open type, the base frame is designed with hoistingmechanism to facilitate handling by a hoist system. For some models, the base frame is provided with slotsfor the forks of forklift and fuel tank (for 8-hour full-load operation), The fuel tank has a bafle inside toprevent diesel from intense sloshing during handling of the genset.
12. Control System of Genset
The stand-alone and synchronization control systems have diversified, intelligent funetions. The controlsystem includes a charger for the starting battery, which will charge up the battery when the genset is instandby mode, After the genset is started, it is the engine charger's turn to charge up the battery. The controlsystem features several self-starting modes, automatic mains failure (AMF) control function and remotesignal starting function. The specific configuration can be selected by the users according to individualdemands. In addition to the stand-along self-starting funetion, the synchronization control system is alsoprovided with automatic calling funetion to call out the next backup genset as the load capacity increases.When the load decreases, it enables automatic splitting and unloading of gensets, The system can be providedwith soft transfer of load as well: in case of mains failure, it automatically start the gensets; when the mainssupply recovers, it will realize automatically synchronization, and then splitting, unloading and stoppingBoth stand-alone and synchronization control systems can be equipped with remote monitoring via thefollowing main methods:
1. Main module + PC monitoring (via RS232, RS485, communication interfaces)
2. Main module + secondary module (to realize both local and remote monitoring and operating)
3. Main module + touch screen (based on the standard MODBUS communication protocol)
4. Main module + GPRS MODEM (to enable alarm and control via cell phone)
5. Main module + wireless network monitoring module (to realize internet and satellite monitoring)
Note: RS232 transmission range: 15 m; RS485 transmission range: 1200 m.
Wherein,The stand-alone control module has the following main funetions:
1. Display of engine parameters: engine RPM, oil pressure, water temperature, fuel level and battery voltage;2. Display of generator parameters: frequency, three-phase voltage (L-L, L-N) and current;3. Display of genset power parameter: KVA, KW, PF, KVAR, KWh;
4. Display of mains parameters: frequency, three-phase voltage (L-L, L-N);
5. Multiple custom input and output ports;
6. Communicate with the engine control unit (ECU) via CAN interface to collect data, monitor the engineoperating state and provide protections;
7. Alarms for high water temperature, low oil pressure and high / low RPM of engine;8. Alarms for high / low frequeney, high / low voltage, phase loss, over-current, over-power, three-phase
unbalance of generator;
9. Programs configurable via control panel or software;10. Event log;
11. Manual and Auto modes.
The synchronization control system is provided with the following functions, in addition to allfunctions of the stand-alone control system:
1. Automatie multi-unit calling function;
2. Acquisition and analysis of multi-unit data, e.g, total power, power distribution ratio;
3. PLC logical capability;
4. Automatie speed and voltage regulation;
5. Load sharing;
6. Automatic retrieval ofsynchronization;
7. Multi-language support;
8. Automatie start-up.
13. Main Output Switch of Genset
The genset is equipped with molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) or frame-type air circuit breaker (ACB)(three-pole cireuit breaker is supplied as standard, unless specially requested). The main output switch of thegenset is provided with circuit breaker based on the standby power and caleulated current, Besides, optionalmotor-driven operating mechanism can be supplied according to the users' demands, to realize automaticswitching and automatic recovery of genset power transmission system (for ACB, the motor-driven operatingmechanism is supplied as standard). According to the users' power supply system, the ACB with appropriatebreaking capacity and protections is selected.